Social responsibility in IT outsourcing: A model for the future

Social responsibility in IT outsourcing: A model for the future

In today’s digital era, IT outsourcing is becoming increasingly present, but not all companies view this practice through the lens of social responsibility. At the core of our corporate philosophy is the belief that social responsibility is more than just a buzzword – it is the foundation for sustainable and ethical business growth.

Social responsibility: More than just a promise

For us, it is not just an empty promise. As an outsourcing and offshore provider, our commitment to social responsibility sets us apart from the competition. We don’t see business as a zero-sum game, but as an opportunity where all parties can benefit.

A large part of this commitment is focused on our valuable employees. In our offices in India, we provide a working atmosphere that meets Western standards. This is evidenced by our SA 8000 certification. However, this atmosphere goes beyond the physical environment. Our employees not only receive above-average salaries, but also comprehensive health insurance that covers their families as well. In addition, our office and IT facilities are up to date and meet European standards, making work not only productive but also enjoyable.

Focus on culture and teamwork

Our view of culture goes beyond simply understanding regional differences. For us, the focus is on people. When hiring new staff, we place great emphasis on the cultural match because we believe that a shared vision and value base are critical to success. Our employees benefit from extensive training and development programmes. These programmes, along with team-building activities, promote not only expertise but also awareness of the importance of social responsibility in the business world.

We actively work against bullying and harassment in the workplace and promote a healthy office culture. Our offices are not just workplaces – they are communities where respect, integrity and social responsibility are paramount.

IT Outsourcing with Impact and Social Responsibility

The above practices are not just for our internal team. Our clients also benefit from them. We provide culture-tested consulting to ensure that work processes are established smoothly between our clients and our offshore team.

In addition to the employee benefits already mentioned, we offer benefits such as home office, part-time work, extended maternity leave and even transport services. The latter is particularly important as we want to ensure the protection and safety of our often female employees when they are travelling in dangerous areas.

A paradigm shift in the outsourcing industry

With all these initiatives and measures, we are setting a new standard for social responsibility in the outsourcing industry. We firmly believe that companies are not only accountable for their financial results, but also for their impact on the community. Our employees are more than just numbers in a system – they are individuals who deserve respect, support and the opportunity to grow.

In summary, social responsibility is not just a trend or a marketing strategy for us. It is at the core of what we do and who we are. In a world where social responsibility is often overlooked, we are proud to be pioneers and pave the way for a more ethical, responsible future in the IT outsourcing industry.